Saturday, December 13, 2008

So i just found out that PLOX means please.
Hehhh?! Wat the shit? Cant people just stick
to pls, or u wanna act cute, add 'z' to it.
So it becomes plz. Plz is still understandable,
but PLOX?!?! Thats a monster to me.
Man, i suck at knowing internet slangs.
People should stop creating more of these.

K that is just plain dumb. I bet most of
those internet slangs is created by those
hardcore gamers.
N i found out from wiki, that LOLCOPTER
originated from gyrocopter from warcraft.
People always laugh when a player mass send
gyrocopter, underestimating them sometimes,
but in the end they got owned.
Soooo Lame....
They should like, spend their time creating
chemicals to kill cockroaches, instead of coming
up with internet slangs.

Can any1 tell me more of those internet slangs,
so i can keep myself up-to-date?

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