Thursday, December 25, 2008

Kids are crazing for Bakugan toys.
Its like, the IN toys this season or something.
Well, its like a small little ball, that can transform
into a monster. Something like transformers,
or the animal transforming toys, i forgot wats the name.

But bakugan monster form kinda simple, it still haf the
round shape, with a head or small little arms sticking out.
And it comes with cards too. Its like a game, dunno how it is
played though. I dunno why kids love these until i saw
my cousin youtubing bakugan when he was at my place
few days ago.

Well, the small little toy balls is pretty cool actually lol.
The ball has a magnet trigger. and the card is made of
aluminium or smthing. So if u throw/roll the ball on the card,
the magnet trigger will be attracted to the card and the ball

Woowww japanese sure are something huh.

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