Monday, November 3, 2008

AXOLOTLS (pronounced ACK-suh-LAH-tuhl)
Ok, i just read the yahoo news. They say axolotls
are coming to extinction. WTH?!

Its like i was watched them on youtube during the hols, and
now they are dying? sucks man. but its very hard to believe.

On youtube, there's so many people upload videos of their
axolotls in their fishtank, its like they are not endangered
at all. And i heard they dont really cost dat expensive.

But if this cute little PINK dragons were to be extinct,
I'm so gonna cry man. They are the cutest and the sexiest
creature ever. I'm mesmerised.
And most of the time they are smiling!! Take a look at the
last part of the video. Bloody cute.

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