Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The weather is as hot as a fresh, sizzling lasagna right out from the oven, that sparkles in Rayfick's
eyes, making Rayfick drool.... Yummmm

Yum as in, lasagna yum. Not the weather.
Damn global warming. Im drying and dying...

Please people, do your part to save the world.

Help prevent global warming by
1) Dont go to skool.
Taking transport to skool means more carbon monoxide
will be release. therefore, it contributes to global warming.
Dont walk to skool too. If u walk and u feel tired, u will breathe more. Thus,
releasing more carbon dioxide.

2)Dont do homework. Dont buy books.
Most of them requires paper
and paper comes from trees. If too many trees are being killed, oxygen and
carbon dioxide in the air will not be balanced, therefore, more carbon dioxide.

3) Dont eat your vegetables
vegetables are plants. Plants help to balance O2 and CO2 in the air. Its just like trees.
Kill them and CO2 will increase. thus, global warming.

4) Dont eat vegetables, but eat lots of Cows instead!!!!!
Cows produce methane, a greenhouse gas. By eating alot of cows, u will make them
extinct!!! Therefore, methane gas will decrease.

Humans produce CO2, a greenhouse gas. So killing humans will result in more o2, lesser Co2.

So people! Its not too late to save the world!!!
Start acting now!!!! May the best Sadist wins!!!

K Im joking nia. Im bored.

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