Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Okay 1st day brought my laptop. The person in charge told me to bring
because theres no coms for me to use. But actually there is.
the 1 im using is super sucky, and theres no flash player, quicktime, and watever shit.
and i cant install because i got no privileges. I need to ask the person over there.
And i forgot to bring home my laptop!!! I left it on the top shelf. Bummer...
OHYA! Me, Kelly and Nadhirah share the same room after all! But different projects.

Oreo ask whether wanna go back to school eat macs.
Lol damn retarded. We wanna eat macs just because we want the Cup.
And we go back to school because its cheaper. Lol damn lame.

2nd day. Meet with my officer charge. 1st day she was on MC.
Wahhh she's super nice. Very friendly. Lol and she said she wanna treat me
lunch 1 day. And.. she told me about my jobscope.
So i have to create a corporate video, ALL BY MYSELF!!!! WTH pressure.
And next week i have to present my storyboards to a number of staffs already.
Hopefully everything goes well.... Like really really.

Btw the building is super cool. There's like a supermarket too at the basement. Like
shopping centre lah! Got starbucks, other food outlets, barber, clinic, GNC and other
shits. Free shuttle bus from Buena vista station to the building too. But its super duper

Okay, i thk im gonna watch drama liao. Lol got influenced liao, now starting to watch
korean/taiwan/japanese drama. Well that also because american idol end liao. Heroes
need to wait for new season. And no mood to watch Prison break new episodes.
Now watching 1lr of Tears. Sad show.

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