Friday, July 4, 2008

Hakyong tagged me like, last 2weeks orsomething for this? Here goes.

1. What do you think of the world we're living in now?
-Err wait, so we are not living in hell now? The world is an Old geezer and also a PMSing 1.
The world is so upside-down? This qn is very the GP.

2. Who is more important to you? friends or bf?
- Haiz... friends. If its bff instead, then its bff.

3. Who are the people you trust the most?
-Damn. The most trustworthy person ever lived lol

4. Do you think you have enough confidence?
-Confident that i haf not enough confidence.

5. What do you think of YOURSELF?
- I haf split personalities. Im quiet. Im crazy. Im noisy. I dunno how to answer this question! I need to make frens with myself 1st in the mirror.

6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
-Yup. Although I seldom see them often after rain. Want to see rainbows? Theres always internet.

7. What is your goal for this year?
-PLEASE!!! No Ds for any of my modules!!! Really hope that I have at least an A.

8. Do you believe in eternal love?
- yeah i do believe.

9. What feeling do you love the most?
- When Desserts take me to heaven.

10. Wat superpowers do you want to have?
- ShapeShifting!!!transform into animals and insects too.

11. List the best moments in your life.
- Eating cheesecakes
-Going down a slope on rollerblades, ending with a fractured wrist.
-Being in 3e2/4e2. I couldn sleep well for several weeks after secondary school life has ended.

12. What do you hate most?
-Haters. Sound of phone ringing like "riiiiiiiiiiiiing". So freaking annoying. Crowded places. Shit, Im suppose to name 1 only rite? I can go on and on for this qn.

13. Between love and money?
-Love dont bring money. Money brings u love. But I got to say I choose love over money. XD

14. What's the most attractive things about a person to you?
- wackiness.

15. Describe the person who tagged you using 5 words.
-Enthu, noisy, random, friendly, helpful.

16. Who can you not live without?
-i can't live without my soul.

17.If you have one wish now, what would you wish for?
-More wishes. No, wish MG is done.

18.What do you want most for your birthday.

19. Have I kept pets before?
-Fishes? Fishes are boring. U cant pamper them. My mum dont allow, not even a hamster.

20. Do you believe in dreams come true?

K done.

Instructions: Remove one question from above and add in your personal question. Make a total of 20 questions and tag 8 people. List them out at the end of the post. Notify them in their cbox that they've been tagged.

Who wans to do, go ahead. U can change all of the qns if u want too. LOL.

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