Friday, February 29, 2008

Yeah, Like wat Wilson tag, SP2 is over. YIPPIE MONKEY!!!!!

Presentation was just now. Hmmm. Lets not talk about it.

Im starting to watch American Idol. Yeah, mostly on youtube. i cant catch up on the episodes on channel 5 and Starworld. Awesome man, so many young and talented singers.

David Archutela - Evry1 adores him. Not me. I don rilly like him, although no doubt his 1 of the best. Yeah, i don like him, n I don wan him to win. LOL

Michael Johns- I want him to win! Or at least top5. Its just so great when he sang Bohemian Rhapsody.

AND OMG!!!! RAMIELE MALUBAY!!!! She's damn Hot and Adorable!!!! Go watch her performance. Awesome vocals. And damn, Ryan seacrest keep touching her. 0(,,-_-,,)0

In order,Im rooting for Michael, carly smithson, Ramiele and David cook, not david archutela.


I bought Cornetto royal sweeheart Brownie, I forgot the name, damn it. There's brownies bits on it. I don rilly like the top portion of the icecream. Ok lah, but its like, having a bite of brownies and chocolate ice-cream.... It doesnt rilly match. BUT!!! Its simply heavenly when u reach the middle the the bottom part.

The middle, there's chocolate fudge layers in it. And the cone is rilly great. And when u reach the tip, its hard chocolate covered wif fudge. GREAT!!!

Rayfick's tastebud's happiness level : 4/5

Rayfick's tastebud says: I don't care if Rayfick's gum and teeth are complaining due to sensitive teeth. Don care eat more!

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